Would that work? ... to be continued...

Hello friends,

I Avinash Meshram, welcome you to my blog, Shades of Life.

Did you feel that yesterday's blog was full of negative vibes? (You can comment and tell me)

So, yesterday, I was talking about would that work?
Strange question!

We all know we can't go to Mars.... smiley.

But just think for a minute...

If it was possible for you to go to mars to leave your life on earth behind, and start fresh on Mars. Would you really have chosen to go there?

Life might be fucked up on earth. But is it so fucked up that you would chose to leave everything behind and go to a new planet altogether to live alone? (Assuming no one else have chosen to go). Or can you be sure that the life on Mars would definitely be good?

I guess the answer for all of us is NO!

And the "NO" would be for three main reasons,
1. Doesn't matter how difficult the life is, we all have something good as well to hold onto. Which would always make us stay!

2. Being realistic, we know that going to Mars is not possible.

3. Even if it is, we know, there is no guarantee that the life on Mars would be better! (You wont even be able to read my blog as there would be no internet on Mars. smiley)

If you agree with me, then I would like to beg a question.

When we know that we can not run from our problems. We know that we can not run from life. And we know that there is no other place where we can have a life without any problems. Then why shouldn't we buckle up and face our problems instead of trying to run from them or crying for having them?

Everybody in the world has one or the other problem. Those who don't have money, think that there life would be the best once they have money. And those who have money, still keep searching for happiness!
Those who have jobs say, they are tired of jobs and those who don't, spend hours planning for interviews and then again hours searching for the company to give that interview!
Some are sad because they don't have a girlfriend and some are sad because they have a girlfriend. smiley.
Some are sad because they are not getting married. And some are sad because they got married. Smiley.
Girls who are not beautiful feel sad because they are not that beautiful and the girls who are very beautiful feel sad because they have to go through unnecessary flirting and taunts everyday!

There are so many examples.... 

But can running from them would every be a solution? Or finding a solution is the solution? You can tell me what you think and we can discuss over that. But according to me, none of the above is the solution!
If you try to run away with your problems, you would keep on running for the rest of your life and you would never get a time to relax.
And if you try to solve every problem of life then you would always be sad or nervous about one or the other problem. And life would never stop giving you problems and you will never get a chance to sit down with peace and smile for a little while!

For Example, 
let us say, you work really hard. And you are getting a decent salary. Better than you need. But, you don't have enough time for yourself because you are always working. So, you decide to solve this problem. What do you do for that?
You buy a house close to your office. You hire full time driver for yourself. You hire people to do things for you...(just say like that). And you save time. But then, you find our that you have to pay the EMI of your house, and you also have to pay the people you have hired to work for you. And to maintain all that, you need more money, (because you don't usually want to reduce your savings plan by increasing your spending). So you work harder to give better results in your office to get promotion or incentives or bigger bonus so that you could pay all the extra cost of your lifestyle. And for doing all that, you invest the time you had saved by doing all that in the first place.
So what changed?
You still have no time and you still are not saving more than you used to save before. All that changed is, your lifestyle. 
But what if you would have accepted that you should save a little less and just be happy that you are getting more free time to do things you actually like to do? How many of us would think about doing that? And how many of us would actually do that?

I was so poor 14 years ago that I sometimes didn't even have money to have food. At that time, having 100 bucks in my wallet would make me feel like I am the king! (but that would only happen once in a blue moon and it wouldn't last for more than a day, because there was always one or the other need.) 

In that time period, I met a man. He was a middle class person, not very rich, not very poor. He said, "Avinash, never try to run behind money. because, doesn't matter how much you earn? You will never have enough. The money you earn would only change your lifestyle, but it would never satisfy your urge of earning more!"

In that period, bike was a luxury I couldn't afford and car was a dream I never thought would come true. And today, I have all. I have, bike and car both. I have a decent lifestyle. But when I look back, I really think that what he had said was true! because, running behind money only changed my lifestyle, nothing else. I still feel that I don't have enough and I still try to work hard to earn more. In fact, if I look back, the desire and the stress of earning more has increased with time. I am more worried about earning more than I was, 5 years ago. And I compromise with the free time I have, to do that!
Every six months, I decide that after six months I would pack my bags and go somewhere to have some me time. And after every six months, I delay my plan by six months. It is happening since years and I have never gone anywhere yet!

This is just one example that I gave. You might have something else bothering you. But at the end of the day, we all are suffering with something or the other. And I think, the reason behind it is that, we focus so much on the problem or suffering or desire that we have, that we either invest all our energy running away from it or trying to solve it. And none of them works.

I think, the best way is to learn to live with it and move on!

Instead of running behind the money... What if I would have had stopped?
What if I would have started to manage with what I have and utilize the time that I could save by not trying to earn more, to spend with family and friends?
I would have really been able to go somewhere every six months. I would have been able to have enough time to sleep till the afternoon on Sundays. I would have got enough time to spend weekends the way I want to spend them. Yes, I would have had to be careful with the money I have and think before spending it, but I would have had the chance of living other perks of life as well!

If we accept every shade of our life. We face the problems in life gracefully and try to solve them, but without getting consumed in them. Then, life can really be beautiful. Smiley.

Hope to see you again in my next blog. And hope to get to know your Shades of Life as well. Smiley.

Thank you for reading the article. If you like my writing, you can search for my novel…

I Don’t Need Reasons. I Need You!


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