would that work?

My name is Avinash Meshram. Today is my first day and it't my first blog!
Well, there are a few things I have in my mind, like, why doesn't this site change a normal letter to a capital letter after the full-stop? or why do i have to delete i and change it to I, after finding out that even i is not changed to I automatically here!
Being habitual to typing in word has made me lazy, I guess. smiley.
At least, it has one good feature of word, that it tells you if you make a spelling mistake. smiley.
I am not that bad at spellings, but it still is assuring to the feature of correcting the spellings mistakes. You too would agree to me on this. Two smileys.

Let us talk about me now. 
What to say?
I am a very private person. I don't usually share my life with anyone. So definitely, I am not going to share everything here either. It is better that way. It sucks to have people judge you. And worst than that, you know that people would judge you after knowing those things, and still telling them that and expecting that they should not judge you. Smiley.

I mean, when you know that you are going to say something that would make the person angry, then why say that? And why add.... "I want to tell you something, but please don't get angry!" 

Am I going off the topic?

Well nothing is off the topic actually. Everything is related in one way or the other! Two days ago, I applied in BYJU'S for the post of creative writer. I was asked to write one story, one rhythm and the solution of one question. 
The question was, "What if USA never bombed Japan. Would India have got freedom in 1947?"
What I wrote in the answer would bore you. But it is interesting to think about the question though. I have never thought about these two events together. They both were a completely independent events for me. But after reading the question and giving it a serious thought, I realized that these two events are actually related. And if USA never bombed Japan then the freedom of India might have been delayed!!

So can we really be off the topic? 
It might seem like that for a moment or when we think about it with a smaller perspective. But if we really see things with a broader perspective, would we find that the way our neighbors live or think affect us as well, even if we don't talk to them much?

I haven't actually said anything about my life other than my name and the fact that I am a private person. smiley...

Different people would tell different things about me. For some I am a great friend. For a few, I am not worth being friends with. For some, I am an inspiration. For some, I am a failure! For some, I am very humble. For some, I am very arrogant. Some would say, they haven't seen as simple guy as me. Some would say, they have not seen as notorious guy as me. Some would say, I am lazy. Some would say, I work really hard. (It is five in the morning right now when I am writing this blog. I am not a morning person. Please don't misunderstand. I was awake all night, doing one or the other work. So, I definitely can be qualified as a hard working guy.)

I have been evaluated differently by different people. So many times that sometimes I even thought of the possibility of me having a split personality! (Just kidding)

My point is, I have seen a lot of shades of life. My life had never been a piece of cake. It is not a piece of cake for most of the people in the world. I am not saying, I am the only one who has seen bad period of life. I am only saying, why not share it?
If you would have asked me to share my life with anyone, a year ago, I would definitely have said, "No Need!" But things have changed for me in last one year. I have had a very complected life and I am a complex person. I keep on thinking about a lot of things. Most of them doesn't even make sense at that time!
So, I thought, why not write a blog?
And see if anyone can actually connect to what I think about life or the way we either live it or being forced to live it. May be, you can read about my views and write in the comment how you feel about it or share your perspective with your story and if you permit then I would mention your story in this blog and we all can have one big "Chaupal" (It is a Hindi word for a place where people sit and discuss about anything they want.)

So, the title of my blog is Shades of Life. We definitely have various shades in our lives. Some good and Some bad. 
And then, my URL is ShallWeLiveOnMars, because, may be the life on earth is difficult and may be going of mars would change our luck. smiley.

But then I ask, would that really work?

to be continued....                                                

Thank you for reading the article. If you like my writing, you can search for my novel…

I Don’t Need Reasons. I Need You!


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