What is Love?

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I Avinash Meshram, welcome you to my blog, Shall We Live On Mars? I hope you like to read my blog. Smiley...

I don't know if I am the right person to define Love. What I am writing in this blog is my perspective. I might be wrong. And if you feel like that, please feel free to comment and tell me where I am wrong. I am writing it with the guy's perspective but I guess same goes for girls well...

For me, Love is understanding. If you have a good understanding with your girl then everything else would follow. If you understand your partner. Her likes, dislikes, perspective, thinking, passion etc then it becomes easy for you to have a smooth relationship with her.

I can't say you would never fight with her. No one is perfect, and fights are part of a relationship. Doesn't matter if you fight like TOM and JERRY if your relationship is like TOM and JERRY! Like they fight all the time but can never be apart from each other. Like we can't even imagine to drop the name TOM or JERRY from the word, "TOM and JERRY". You fight with your girl doesn't mean you don't love her but if you don't try to put that fight behind, and stretch it beyond the limit, then it means that you don't love her as much as you say you do. Doesn't matter if you spend the entire day fighting with her. In nigh, in the bed, even if you don't have a smile on your lips, you must have her head resting on your chest and even though you are still angry, your morning should start by giving her a good morning kiss. No fight should ever change that! The fight can be continued the next day and you can get back to normal once it is over. But you can't go back in time and give her the hug and kiss she deserved for being in your life!

Love is not only about giving gifts and having fun. It is also about making your partner smile even when she can't find a reason to smile. No one can be happy all the time, but you should be the reason to her smile even when she is sad. Looking at you should give her the strength to get through all the difficulties in life. 

Following are the promises you should keep if  you think you truly love your girl...

You must respect your partner and her decisions. You should not try to force your decisions or your wishes on her.

You should give your partner the Freedom of Choice. She should be able to chose to live her life the way she wants. You should not be obstacle in her goals and dreams. Compromises are a part of life and everyone has to make a few compromises in a relationship. But you should not force your partner to make those compromises for you. You should let her have the freedom to decide what compromises she should make and what not.

She should have her own personal space. You should not try to invade in that. For example, If she is not sharing her password with you then that should not mean that she doesn't love you. In fact, you expecting her to share her passwords with you means you don't love her enough.

You should treat her equally. Love is not about walking ahead or walking behind. Love is about walking together... Shoulder to shoulder.

Everyone wants to be strong. But nobody is stone. Everyone wants to have someone around, to be vulnerable with. You should be that person for your partner. Care should come automatically for her. You should not need to force yourself to care for her and you should not need to say that you care for her. It should be seen in you actions, naturally. Being vulnerable with you should give her the courage to be strong everywhere else.

You love someone doesn't mean you have to talk to her everyday, but it is necessary that whenever you talk, that conversation is worth something. Quality of a conversation is more important than the quantity of the conversation.
You should never expect her to be free whenever you are free. Her time is important too. You should value her time as much as you value your time. But again, that doesn't mean you should never try to find time for her. It is great when you both have free time for each other. You should be glad if she finds time for you even when she is busy and you should also make sure to do the same for her once in a while.

loving someone doesn't mean you have to be around all the time. But, it is to make sure that your presence is felt even when you are not. It is not necessary to be in touch all the time, but she should also know that you are just a call away whenever she needs you. It is not necessary to share every moment of happiness with her, but it is necessary to be with her in difficult times and take her out of that. It is not necessary to become her shadow when it's light around. But it is necessary to become her candle when it is dark. You should become her strength. Not her weakness. You should push her to cross her limits and fulfill her dreams and goals in life. And you should feel proud to see her fly. Not as a kite, whose thread is in your hands, but as an eagle, who chooses her height by her own will, passion and skills.

Trust is a very important part of a relationship. Her word should be enough for you. If you can't trust your partner, then you should either let her go or you are not worthy of her.

Last but not the least, never take your partner for granted. 
Making mistakes is a part of human nature, but never expect that all of your mistakes would be forgiven. Remember, mistakes are like a writing of pencil and love is like an eraser. Whenever you make a mistake, the eraser of love clears it. But if you get confident that all your mistakes would be erased the same way. Then you are forgetting a very crucial thing ... that is...
The eraser gets shorter and shorter with every mistake it rubs clean... and if you keep on making mistakes, however small they are... with time... one day... the eraser is going to vanish!!!

The hard truth:
You can't have love by holding on to it harder. Love is a part of life but love is not the life. So, if you get signals that your partner is not "the one". Or your partner doesn't understand you as well as you do. Then it is better to let her go. Trying to hold on to her because she is your love would only hurt you, and her, in the process. Love should never bring pain in life. It should only bring happiness. And the love that brings pain is better to be left behind!

Thank you for reading the article. If you like my writing, you can search for my novel…

I Don’t Need Reasons. I Need You!


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